Revolver Magazine - Germany 2017


Revolver Magazine - Germany

"The new album “Intersection“ by Lebanese artist Tania Saleh – in collaboration with music producer Khalil Judran – is a multi-dimensional experiment that combines visual and auditory elements creating something that is more than just an album. "Intersection" is a very powerful, hopeful and ambitious project realized in a time of continuous change. "Intersection" has many meanings for Saleh: “The word seemed perfectly fitting because the project is an intersection between my ability to write songs, to sing and to draw. It is as well a new intersection in my career, as I’m deciding which way to go and which style to choose. It is an intersection between the ideas of the poets, despite the fact that they were living in different places and periods. They had a similar way of thinking, a way which still resonates in all parts of the Arab world. It is also an intersection between myself and music producer Khalil Judran."